To “Be” All That You Want, Do This

Heidi K. Isern
3 min readSep 22, 2021
meditating and drinking tea…..being CALM

Do. Have. Be. Do Be? To Be?

No I am not talking about the Doobie Brothers. Or Hamlet. I’m talking about the struggle we have in ourselves. We all want to Be something, right?

Be happy. Be wealthy. Be beautiful. Be calm. Be secure. Be loved.

Oftentimes it feels unattainable. So we search for what might help us get there and we “Do.” We take classes, we diet, we put in Ring cameras, we take on side hustles, we scour the internet until 4am begging Google to provide the answers to our life. (ahem)

Or sometimes we feel we must “Have”

We date people hoping they’ll provide us security and love. We look for new houses, assuming that will bring us calm. We go on an acquisition spree hoping things might save us, like that new Breville espresso machine to energize us with joy each day.

If we act and if we acquire, will we be? If we WANT hard enough, will we Be?

Learning from Those that Are…

I visited friends this weekend and confessed to my entrepreneur pal Sanjay that I was feeling very anxious and unsure. I wasn’t “Being” the Heidi I wanted to be. Perhaps he had the answers as he seemed to both “have’ and “be” it all..



Heidi K. Isern

writer. thinker. whiskey drinker. let me help you tell your story. Published here, there and elsewhere across the world. @hisern /